The Temple Of Oshia Mystery School

Welcome to your ReBirth

Temple of Oshia Goddess Mentorship and Teacher training

With clear intent The Temple of Oshia is a 9 month training where you will learn Soul healing practices, rituals/ceremonies, Energy activations/clearings, and Alchemical womb wisdom. Through devotional practice you will elevate yourself and be the inspired embodiment to serve humanity through your dharma.

Goddesses will harness abilities to manifest through love, accelerate your embodiment and alchemical power while continuing to align with your divine design.

Reconnecting more with your body, magnetizing your pleasure, cultivating the gems from stillness, exuding an elevated creative self expression, and owning your voice with community of humans who show up in devoted service and embody the highest frequency of love.

Inspired by the Goddess wisdom and teachings of Aset(Isis), Oshun and Yemanja. Together they form the trinity of Divine feminine experiences and phases which we rise from.

Intention - Devotion - Energy - Mastery

Your Guide:


My lineage comes from the islands of Antigua/Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, and the countries of England and Canada.

My background is in performance, expressive arts, and education in dance.

I have studied in Health and embodiment coaching, Divine feminine and Goddess arts, Intuitive channeling, somatic movement, energy modalities (Reiki, Crystal therapy).

I am a womb priestess, Goddess channel, Embodiment Coach, Alchemical Movement facilitator, educator, writer, speaker, and a Temple Body Artist.

Through her own journey (read more HERE) with the removal of 10 massive fibroids; began a path of developing practices and systems that support womxn in finding liberation through their wombs. Nicole stands for the disruption of the systems that try to disempower the connection to the most intimate part of our bodies that has been built on the foundation of racism and trauma! Through this deep initiation Nicole has birthed The Goddess Moves, a sacred space for womxn and womb Carriers who desire to create their own path to power..