My Story


Beautiful Goddess, I am Nicole Pemberton, creatrix of The Goddess Moves.

I work with women who are disconnected from their womb and body;

To IGNITE full Liberation with herself/themselves;

You are guided through powerful transformational experiences so that you can reshape the relationship you have with yourself.

My gifts also extend in the following areas:

  • Womb Priestess

  • Sacred Activist

  • Master Alchemical Movement and Ritual Facilitator

  • Writer

  • Mentor

  • Speaker

  • Mystic Channel

  • Certified Akashic Records reader

  • Reiki and Crystal energy practitioner

  • Certified Trauma Informed practitioner

  • Temple Body Priestess and Mentor

That is what I do however this is where I have been:

My story(see video) started being born in a northern small town in the province of Alberta, Canada. My physical existence came into this world.

My cultural background in from the islands of the Caribbean, England and Cananda.

Music, community, culture, education, curiosity and family was the foundation I grew up in. My mother and father were the blueprint of life. My sister and I did our best to match their presence and lessons they taught us.

My love for dance started when I was small. It was sparked from watching Black Dance America. I was companies like Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Chuck Davis African dance, the Queen Katherin Dunham and I was hooked. The idea of molding and shaping my body as the architect of space ignited a fire in me. I knew I wanted to be a professional dancer. I did it.

I spent 10 years dancing professionally on stage, studied, obtained my diploma and Bachelors specializing in performance and choreography. I was immersed in deep study of the body; breath work, somatic practices, anatomy, pedegogy, and wellness.

I deeped my knowledge through teaching. Here is when I started to run on the hamster wheel of life. In my ambtion of opportunity wanting to do more, grow more, network more, work more, make more money and just be successful my ambition took over. I did not properly take care of my self in the process and I became depleted.

I ignored it because I got stuff to do. I had to make things happen. I was at a point working 7 days a week. Anyone that heard my schedule at the time would go WOW that’s alot. I would say yeah but you do what you got to do!

I believe you got to go for what you want in life. However we also need to listen to our bodies and take good care of ourselves. I was disconnecting from my body. Until it came unavoidable. I drove myself to exhaustion, had a dangerous fever and was sent to the hospital.

I had a grion injury that was infected and had to take a month off.

During this time I was introduced to personal development while recovering. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Lisa Nichols, Mindvalley, Iyanla Vanzant and many more.

Every one around me was asking NOW will you slow down?

I had a curiousity about wellness, spirtuality and what we now call self-care. With an athletic background in Track and Field, basketball and fitness I continued to study and learn. I earned my certification in Reiki Levels 1/2, Crystal healing and Health Coaching.

The catalyst was when I was diagnosed with Fibriods. I learned that my grandmother, mother, aunties, cousins had it….now me. The beginning of figuring out what was going on was rocky.

I was age shamed, culture shamed, gender shamed and humanly shamed. I felt oppressed, sad and low. Then I got angry. I switched doctors/specialists, started to advocate for myself and looked for other modalities that could help me.

This is what started the Re-Education of my womb, my body. I dove in about the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual body.

I still had to have surgery. The healing journey was very humbling. It gave me a greater appreciation for my body. I sought out training and I have learned from Allie McFee, Usha Anadi and my current mentor Sofiah Thom.

I am now a certified Temple Body Artist/Mentor and created The Goddess Moves.

The thing that has been revealed to me is the womb is such a cosmic powerful force. Its combined energeries of the masculine and feminine are truly mindblowing. When we as women embody the fullness of our divine vibrant selves from LOVE we are unstoppable.

This fires me up to my core.

I learned and continue to learn all of this from the wisdom of my womb.

Liberate your womb - Liberate your Life!