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Liberate your Soul - Sacred Rage ritual

Are you ready to take off the emotional backpack so you can shift the trauma, feel lighter, and co-create more joy in your life?

If you answered YES then you are in the right place!

It is your time to not be held back by things that were beyond your control.

It is your time to unlock the chains and dissolve any spaces of feeling stuck.

You are a light in this world. You are not alone. So let’s do this together.

Unleash and rewrite the experiences that have left an imprint and set yourself free.

Join us in a supportive space to cleanse and clear your body of any repressed emotions, thoughts, and/or experiences that you are ready to release.

You will be held with unconditional love by your multidimensional spirit team and the divine humans attending.

In the 2 hour experience allow yourself to receive and be guided through a series of practices that will provide meaningful alchemical impact for your heart, womb, and soul.

Register HERE -

May 19

Call to the Wild

April 12

Soul Akashic Activation