The Pathway:

28 day Womb Initiation Self Paced Journey

The Call has never been more clear to tune in and reclaim YOUR power within…….

The shift of seasons is definitely bringing a great awareness for every one of us to tune in and to show up fully now more than ever. The guidance is this message of Remembrance consistently has been coming through. Remembering and fortify your deep power, strength, purpose, wisdom, play, and love. Why? Because the stakes are HIGH! It is time to start paying attention!

Remember Who You Are!

Right now the revolution is here to step into full embodiment of your divine presence. It is time to love your womb, your body and yourself.

It is time to honour your blood. Step out in full confidence and express yourself through your purpose, gifts and creativity. It is time to know and vibrate with the ultimate vitality of your sexual sovereignty. Take back the stories, experiences and redesign the pathway to heal yourself and you're lineage. Right now you are being called to LISTEN to the wisdom of you womb! Harness and ignite the divine codes that were designed from the highest frequency of love. You are the medicine that you seek.

Why? Because your health depends on it. Your peace, bliss, and abundance depends on it. You healing wounds from your lineage so generations don’t repeat the same things depends on it! Think you womb isn’t that powerful think again. Creation is birthed through the womb. That is something to stand up for!

You are the secret sauce!

You are The Queen!

I can say that with full confidence NOW! I couldn’t before. Getting to this place took devotion, practice, the support of sisters and the willingness to journey deep into my womb. Many life initiations has brought me here. From being a very shy person, afraid to speak up, step out and being who I am truly designed to be. Yet there was a yearning to express, lead, dance and be seen from a place of empowerment not from a place of unworthiness. I went through a tumultuous relationship with my menstrual cycle to being cut open to remove multiple fibrous benign tumours from my womb space. My womb was begging me to pay attention as I literally ran myself into the ground of exhaustion working 7 days a week with no space to breathe.

Do you recognize one or more of these themes in your life?

Your are designed to live the most juicy, wealthy, abundant, creative, fulfilled and pleasurable life from the highest frequency of love!

In the midst of the “busyness” I forgot that. It was disregarded. It took a big shake up for me to listen to my body. Through mentorship and harnessing my own wisdom I devoted myself to my practice. I started listening deep into my womb. Pleasure became un-negotiable. My voice became stronger. I loved myself even more. My passions fuelled my purpose. I thrived deeper. The life initiations brought me here to stand and support you.

Whether you are just starting on this journey or you are an embodied leader; I am talking to YOU!

This is Your time to appreciate the glorious sovereign centre of your body!

In this 28 day self paced course you will be introduce to core energetics that effects the womb space and you body.

You will start to Deeply connect from the inside out with:

  • Nurturing powerful daily practices

  • Daily Movement journeys

  • Meditations

  • Multidimensional energy activations

  • Daily video transmissions to stir the momentum within your process

Say Yes to reconnecting to your womb Space!

What She Said:

“I had a profound meeting with Nicole who is a beautiful soul. She reached inside of me and brought out my deepest feelings for release. I have never felt so much pain, guilt, sorrow in one moment as it released from my body. I now have a feeling of calmness and I can smile.” —— Charlotte Cox, United States

“Witnessing Nicole’s medicine is such a blessing. Her wisdom and presence are so potent that can transform a room in a matter of seconds. Her voice, her words, her divine Goddess stand to help women heal their wombs through pleasure our Temple Body and lives it’s so valuable. Such an honour to cross our paths and receive your mentorship.” —— Kena Siu, Montreal, Canada

“Nicole is such a powerful healer. Her ability to reach through the virtual world and hold you, like she is sitting right with you in the flesh, is profound and something I've rarely experienced. Her passion, presence, and power will change you.”—Csia Ogozaly, United States

“Every time I listen to Nicole, I feel courageous. I feel stronger. Her wisdom, her passion and kind heart. I trust her wisdom. I know that she knows. And I look to learn more from her” ——Zara Spirit, Turkey


The Power and Pleasure

from Your Womb Space!

Your Guide:


My lineage comes from the islands of Antigua/Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, and the countries of England and Canada.

My background is in performance, expressive arts, and education in dance.

I have studied in Health and embodiment coaching, Divine feminine and Goddess arts, Intuitive channeling, somatic movement, energy modalities (Reiki, Crystal therapy).

I am a womb priestess, Goddess channel, Embodiment Coach, Alchemical Movement facilitator, educator, writer, speaker, and a Temple Body Artist.

Through her own journey (read more HERE) with the removal of 10 massive fibroids; began a path of developing practices and systems that support womxn in finding liberation through their wombs. Nicole stands for the disruption of the systems that try to disempower the connection to the most intimate part of our bodies that has been built on the foundation of racism and trauma! Through this deep initiation Nicole has birthed The Goddess Moves, a sacred space for womxn and womb Carriers who desire to create their own path to power..